Sunday 20 November 2016

Wolf Trail

The way i have started my wolf sketch was from the side so i have mixed feelings about this as i would think that doing the wolf head on would maybe show more of the details. My final wolf drawing was drawn on from the front perspective as i thought it came out better as i could have shaded in the wolf more than if i had the side of him done. After adding shades and more colour into the wolf it came out really cool looking, choosing to do it face on was a good idea.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Weapon Trial

This is my weapon trail piece which i have chose to create a gun, in this trail i have started of with a pencil and after finishing off the weapon i have started shading in most important aspect of this gun in my opinion. The shaded in parts of the gun makes this gun stand out as its darker then the rest of the gun. I have also added extra bits on the last piece as i though it would look more like a gun, in my opinion its better than the one on the left as it does not have parts that make the gun stand out.

A friend of mine suggested that i would change a thing in my drawing but i thought sticking to my original idea was better for my portfolio as it looks really good in what i'm thinking. he said that shading the gun more would have been more effective but i didn't think so.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

My first trails on league of legends characters.

 I have started with a simple drawing of the VI a character from league of legends, through out the process of the character i will be shading in and adding extra bits that i think will look better on the character from what my experience with the game is.
 Here is my shaded and finished piece of VI to show you guys how else i can improve my character, i will be finishing off the body for this character later on.
 Second of my character is Amumu which is a mummy from league of legends that i will be using in my project too, i will be doing a different style of completing this character to the first one.
This is my completed version of my character he is a mummy that keeps crying in game it is very simple character. I dont think i will be using him in further drawings i will be focusing more on harder characters to draw and look cooler.

I have started my portfolio as making updates to it i will be more experienced and i will be more employable in the gaming industry through the artists section or the animation of characters.