Wednesday 2 November 2016

My first trails on league of legends characters.

 I have started with a simple drawing of the VI a character from league of legends, through out the process of the character i will be shading in and adding extra bits that i think will look better on the character from what my experience with the game is.
 Here is my shaded and finished piece of VI to show you guys how else i can improve my character, i will be finishing off the body for this character later on.
 Second of my character is Amumu which is a mummy from league of legends that i will be using in my project too, i will be doing a different style of completing this character to the first one.
This is my completed version of my character he is a mummy that keeps crying in game it is very simple character. I dont think i will be using him in further drawings i will be focusing more on harder characters to draw and look cooler.

I have started my portfolio as making updates to it i will be more experienced and i will be more employable in the gaming industry through the artists section or the animation of characters.

1 comment:

  1. i like the perspective of the drawing of the league character although maybe could use a little bit more shading
