Friday 20 January 2017


I have started my blog to show improvements on my art, I have been asked to provide 6 final pieces to show how my art will work in the industry I have done that by first posting trails of a couple of drawings then I went straight into the final pieces that I need to complete, for that I needed lead ups to the final pieces that I will be working on. That would mean that I will need around 3 to 4 lead ups before completing the final piece on a subject/topic. I have completed my final pieces in a way that I wanted to as to show the skill of using all sorts of media, I have used 4 different media as pencil, charcoal, graphics tablet and coloring pencils I have used the media in a way that I thought it would make the most sense and that’s how the final pieces would look the best in as the shading or coloring in the pieces I have chosen to do this in some that might have been the best choices for me. I have followed the task requirements for this task as I have done everything they asked me for from doing 6 final pieces with lead ups, to using 4 different media in completing the final pieces. I have improved on becoming better in using different Medias and software’s as I have been practicing for the final pieces for a long time and I now can show the improvements of this work on my blog and by showing my art book that has all my work in it. The way my time has been managed was that I have been trying to complete lead ups and final piece every 2 weeks that in some cases did not really work for me as I sometimes didn’t have much time to do the art work, so for the later weeks I had some catching up to do before handing my final pieces in but in my opinion I have done good with catching up and completing the task I have been handed in.

Monday 16 January 2017

Human Form

 For my human form i have started with a simple line skeleton that i will later on improve by adding human parts of the body.
 This is the second part of my human form as here i have added more parts of the body to make this look more like a human, by doing this i have started to develop my character.
For the final piece i have created a finished human form that has arms legs and a body and looks like a normal human, i have also added joints to show where the arms and legs can move.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Real life Game Assets P2

 In this asset o have mostly shaded in the microphone because i think it was the best decision this microphone has been shaded in full black as the microphone is all black with silver plug to put in the microphone.
This is my work knife to open up boxes when they are sealed with the hard wrap so it would be difficult to open by hand, i have shaded in the important parts of the knife and the and the top part was a colour so i have only done a bit of shade without hard pressing.

Real life game asset P1

For my Real life asset i have created a pencil close-up that has been a challenge for me as i couldn't do it for a while and i had to redo a lot of times, the final one was the bed which i think came out to be better than i expected but just little bit to close to the edge of the art book.

In these real life assets i have done the shading and crosscutting because i thought i would look the best in these assets as i tried doing them just by shading but it did not look as i expected so i decided to do them the way i did as it was the best for the ones i have done, I've asked some of my friends and they said the same.

Industrial Environment

My industrial Environment has been a jump from creating a barrel full of oil that has been spilled over the ground to a factory that as been polluting the air and creating a very polluted air that has been shown in the final piece, the shading has been added to show how the building was being changed with the pollution in time.

My Work has changed through out the time when i have started until now, i really enjoyed creating my final piece as i could have just shaded in as much as i wanted to and create the piece my own.
The development of my Factory took my some time as i wanted the most of the shading to look realistic, the oil tank was just a trail as for the industrial background that took me some time as well but i enjoyed doing these.

Game Weapon

In these game weapon pieces i have had some trouble as the charcoal broke while doing these so i had some issues while using the broken one but i got through it and shaded it in as much i though would look the best, the first piece is just an example to what i was going to be doing as for the project. For the final piece i made a change as i wanted to create something different then newish weapons so i decided to create old weapons Sword and 3 sided fist daggers.

As improvement for my work i could do some more swords and old weapons and create some of them as I'm thinking of my final piece and do some more lead up's with my weapons. I was recommended to try doing some weapons in the new era for example guns but as i have already created guns i thought doing something different would have been a better idea.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Woodland Environment

My woodland environment was really hard to choose from as i had a blast creating each one of these and had a hard time creating the aspect of the road leading to something as the two last ones show, for these i have been using colouring pencils only so it was something new for me and i enjoyed this experience.

I spent the most time on these as i wanted them to be really good and show the full colours of the woodland, so these took me couple of hours to create. I think creating the first and final piece was the best time i had as the woodland and animals were fun to draw. i enjoyed doing the woodland dark environment.