Thursday 12 January 2017

Industrial Environment

My industrial Environment has been a jump from creating a barrel full of oil that has been spilled over the ground to a factory that as been polluting the air and creating a very polluted air that has been shown in the final piece, the shading has been added to show how the building was being changed with the pollution in time.

My Work has changed through out the time when i have started until now, i really enjoyed creating my final piece as i could have just shaded in as much as i wanted to and create the piece my own.
The development of my Factory took my some time as i wanted the most of the shading to look realistic, the oil tank was just a trail as for the industrial background that took me some time as well but i enjoyed doing these.


  1. I like the use of shading, and the general shape of the industrial area, however more shading could have been applied to give the building a more 3 Dimensional shape.

    1. I have look at your comment and tried to apply more shading but as i done that the industrial did not look as good, so i will leave this as it stands.
